What is the 4-Point System In A Home Inspection?

What is the 4-Point System In A Home Inspection?

The four points in a home inspection are typically referred to as the “four-point inspection.” This type of inspection focuses on four key areas of a home:


The inspector will examine the roof for signs of damage, leaks, and general wear and tear. They will look for missing or damaged shingles, signs of water damage, and any other issues that could affect the integrity of the roof.

HVAC (Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) System

The inspector will examine the HVAC system to make sure it is functioning properly and efficiently. They will check the age of the system, the condition of the ductwork, and look for any signs of damage or leaks.


The inspector will examine the plumbing system, including the water heater, to ensure that it is in good working order. They will check for leaks, signs of water damage, and look for any other issues that could affect the plumbing.


The inspector will examine the electrical system to ensure that it is up to code and functioning properly. They will check the electrical panel, outlets, and switches, and look for any signs of damage or potential hazards.

These four areas are considered essential components of a home, and a thorough inspection of each can help identify any potential problems that could be costly or dangerous if left unaddressed.

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