With it being Hurricane Season we would like to help educate our community on Flood Insurance and if you need it or not. Flood Insurance is a flood policy that is purchased above and beyond your homeowners insurance policy. You can purchase either through the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) or a private policy through…
Tag: insurance
Do You have enough 'Hurricane Insurance'?
Hurricane season can be a scary season, and many really only think about a hurricane when there is a threat. That is when you’re frantically try to get ready and make sure you are prepared June 1st through November 30th is hurricane season here in Florida. Some years are worse in terms of damage than…

Road Rage: Don't Be A Statistic
Here in Florida we see a lot of aggressive driving and road rage, especially here in Central Florida with Interstate 4 and the construction that is going on. As an insurance agency we like to be preventative and help our clients think before they act, to have ways to remind themselves in the heat of…